Monday, February 9, 2015

Wii Bowling

In a game of Wii bowling, we compared the scores of two types of bowlers. Two who were putting in full effort, compared to two test bowlers, who were closing their eyes and sitting while bowling.

1. In our game of Wii bowling, the difference in first ball average went in favor of the control group, that was actively trying.

2. The trend I notice in the data, is that the control group had much more regular patterns. The test group that I was in had much more random data.

3. The base technique differences I notice, Is the first ball and second ball averages. The control group has a higher first ball average, while they have a lower second ball average because they have less pins available.  For the test group, the difference between the first and second ball was much smaller.

To see the game data and more findings, check out my spread sheet:

Wednesday, February 4, 2015


I found these videos of futuristic education very interesting. The way people in the 80s pictured technology in our present day really doesn't seem that far off to me. While they imagined it to be a bit easier, we still have very similar ways to do the things that were shown in the video.

The student in the video, did a video call to his partner on a project. This is almost exactly the same as what we have, Skype and face timing. We also have a way to "screen share" where we could flip the video off of your face, and to what you are doing on the screen. Another thing I connected was the use of voice control. When the student need to search something, he voiced it out loud and gave direction, similarly to what we can now do with Siri.

While there were some great similarities, it seemed much easier in this imaginary future. Technology is very useful and helpful today, but at times it can be frustrating. Skype does not always work, calls are dropped, FaceTime has a bit of a time lag, and Siri is just a way to short cut your google searches.